I believe church is for old people.

wyb churchNo one can argue that the church is for old people. Anyone who has stood at the graveside of friends and family members know their personal calendars don’t have a limitless supply of days remaining. In the face of such facts, many seniors turn to the Saviour, Jesus Christ, who alone can guarantee forgiveness, salvation, and a peaceful transition between this world and the next.

Unfortunately, many people, live as if their life will never end. They act as if they have all the time in the world to make the acquaintance of the Saviour and the forgiveness which His life, death and resurrection offer. Postponing consideration of where you are going to spend eternity, and putting Jesus on “hold” is not only dangerous to the individual but it is an affront to the Saviour who gave His life so we might all have life now and forever.

So is the church for old people? Absolutely! But it is also for the young. Christ and His Church are for all those who know eternity is going to be “hell” without the Saviour.

Check the Book

“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock crows, or in the morning—lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake” (The Bible, Mark 13: 32 – 37).

“But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have left his house to be broken into. You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (The Bible, Luke 12: 39-40).

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